Friday, June 11, 2010

Doctor appointment - 15 weeks

This is from our first ultrasound at nine weeks.
I had a doctor appointment on Monday. I'm a solid 15 weeks. When I weighed in, they wanted to double-check it because the scale said I had been losing weight. I could have told them that! Apparently all my sickness has caused me to lose between 8-10 pounds. My appetite is coming back, though, but as my doctor kindly pointed out, I had some weight to give. We listened to the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler again and heard it moving around. I couldn't feel it then, but today as I write this, I have felt some movement that I am sure is the baby. I felt a few blips in the past, but couldn't say they were the baby for sure. Today I am positive and that makes me happy! It all seems a little more real now.


Tina Nemeth said...

OMG! I love it! This baby is so lucky to have you as a mommy :) So...any names yet? :)

Amanda and Jason said...

Thanks, Tina! No official naming options yet, but we may post a survey once we get a few thought up, just to see what people think.

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