Jason and I arrived fashionably late to find the party in full-swing. Video games on the TV, board games at the kitchen table and a cut-throat game of Jenga on the counter with easy access to the food. The monkey bread and meatballs I had made were well-received, as were the hot pizzas Brian kept bringing fresh from the upstairs kitchen.
Jason mingled with the gamers around the TV, and I filled in for Brian at Jenga while he performed host duties. Then I got in on a little Mario action. Upon realizing I was a complete and total video-gaming failure, I broke out the afghan (I'm such a nerd, I know), which I had brought to hopefully make a little more progress. I crocheted on the couch and listened to critiques of movie directors. The critiques turned to a trivia game with which I had moderate success.
At about 11:55, the gaming TV was turned to the ball drop in New York. Of course we counted down to midnight, and all the couples kissed. Then Jason and I were introduced to the strange New Year's tradition of bare-chested chopping. Apparently, Brian, Brandon & Friends used to wrestle at this party years ago. After they grew too large, and the house and its exquisite decorations became vulnerable to destruction by such violence, they abbreviated the tradition to taking hits to the chest. We elected not to participate.
Before we left, Kathleen and I played a couple rounds of Dr. Mario. She showed me a trick, but she still beat my pants off. I bow to your greatness, Kathleen.
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