Meneely Christmas! We got together at Auny Marilyn and Uncle John's house. Unfortunately, many members of Uncle David's family were unable to attend. Fortunately, Justin, the cool one, was not one of the missing members. After a lovely dinner, the "kids" went downstairs to play Wii. We were met with disappointment when we discovered the Wii was broken, but we rallied to play pool. Justin taught us how to play nine-ball. Lauren provided a playlist of tunes on her laptop. John avoided the game playing, deciding instead to invest his time reading Uncle John's gun magazines. Afterward, we adjourned upstairs to the Christmas tree. Because Justin didn't bring a white elephant gift to exchange, it was decided and agreed upon that he would receive all gifts. He got some KC Royals gear, a set of eight Coca-Cola glasses, some toilet paper, a bottle opener and, what I'm willing to bet was his favorite present, a LisaFrank activity set. Justin and Jason set to work straight away making sand necklaces for each other. Later, Justin practiced his photo-bombing skills, as illustrated by the quality bomb on our classic sister pose. Fun times!

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