March was pretty much in like a lion and out like a lamb. Time to look at those goals again.
1. Do a pull-up or handstand without help - I'm super-excited that I found It's like Facebook for people who work out. I've recorded 10 acts of fitness (playing racquetball, walking, biking), and I've gotten some encouragement from another photographer, which is pretty cool. Plus, I know I'd made it to the gym at least 4 times before I started logging my activity. That being said, my eating has been horrendous! Jason came home from class one night, and I'd had beer, nachos and ice cream. Another night it was pizza and wine. Yikes! I bought healthy snacks tonight: various fruits and chips alternatives. C'mon, Willpower!
2. Clean out the garage - Some progress...see #5.
3. Challenge my creativity and imagination - I'm working on a huge project. It's a crocheted afghan for my friend Henry's wedding in July. I don't want to post photos because I want it to be a surprise, but it's coming along well!
4. Maintain a conscious spending plan - We've decided we're going to start paying a little bit closer attention to where the money is going in April. We're doing pretty good on spending, but there seem to be expenses creeping up, like eating out, that we could probably avoid. And thank goodness we started putting a little aside each month for car expenses. We were able to dip into our fund instead of wrecking our monthly budget to fix the car.
5. Be aware of our environmental impact - This month we kept paring down. We gave John one of our vacuum cleaners and an air compressor that we don't use much anymore. On the trash angle, we were able to fit two weeks worth of trash in one bag! I want to start another worm bin for composting, but I'm not sure how well it will work in this little house. Oh! And I turned off the heat this month; I'm really enjoying the fresh air and sunshine coming in through our windows. Yay, Spring!
Have you made any progress on your goals or New Year's resolutions?
September Photo Dump
2 months ago
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