So, it's the end of January. Time to update you on my progress to reaching the goals I set for myself.
1. Do a pull-up or handstand without help - I have made it to the gym seven times this month and have gone through a workout video twice. I even had a handstand practice session with Jason. This month I was trying to limit my soda intake, so I have only had a small amount on the weekends. That has gotten me weaned off my soda dependancy, but now I am drinking tea and juice, which still has a lot of sugar in it. And, sadly, I am still going to bed late. I only made it to bed by 10 PM twice this month.
2. Clean out the garage - I met my goal of cleaning one box in the garage! Yay!
3. Challenge my creativity and imagination - I've been doing a lot lately. I finished an afghan for Grandma and I made one for Jason. We made Lauren's valentine box, went to an art museum and found the first geocache of the year. Fun stuff!
4. Maintain a conscious spending plan - Coupons: We went grocery shopping today and I found a coupon for something that was my list sitting right next to it on the store shelf. It was a better coupon than the coupon I was going to use for said item. So I took it and used it, and I'm not gonna lie, it kinda made my day. I was excited about a coupon. Does that make me a nerd? We've had a couple of good shopping trips, saving up to $6 on one. It's a little frustrating that I can't find a store that doubles coupons in town, but I don't think it'll be worth driving time and fuel money to go into Blue Springs for that specific reason. Another side note, there seems to be a lot of coupons for products we don't use. Why is that?
5. Be aware of our environmental impact - Agh! I was ashamed when I saw our trash this month. We had eaten out a couple times, so we had styrafoam cups and paper trash and plastic. We're still at our usual one bag per week (although it's often less), so I'm not worried there. I read an article that encourages people to bring reusable utensils with them to use instead of plastic-wrapped plasticware and glass or plastic containers to take home your food instead of styrafoam to-go containers. I think we may try to do that.
How are you doing on your goals or New Year's resolutions?
September Photo Dump
2 months ago