Before Thanksgiving, the Southern Stapps came to visit us. David, Stefani, Oliver and Bella stayed with us for a few days as they made their rounds to family and friends in Missouri. We sure kept busy!

Oliver and Bella had fun playing with my Slinky and balloons leftover from Jason's birthday celebration. We watched movies and played in the park. Oliver had fun playing with my high heels, too!

We also baked some cookies to take to the Concordia Fire Station. We visited with Jim and Deb and checked out the big trucks and the ambulances.

Oliver even tried on a fireman's helmet!
The last thing we did was go to the mall together. Oliver and Bella got their photos taken with Santa. (Oliver cried.) Then Oliver played in the kids area and Jason and I took him on a carousel ride. (Oliver cried again.)
It was so fun to see the family again!
1 comment:
Cute kiddos!
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