It's WAY past Soren's half birthday, but I wanted to update you on recent developments.
Soren got his 6-month shots and weighed in at 19 pounds 8 ounces. He is 28.5 inches tall.
He's a good eater. We've experimented with peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and pears in addition to the rice cereal and oatmeal. The peas didn't go down too well the first couple of times, but he hasn't had any problems with them recently.
Soren has six (6!) teeth that have emerged from the gumline. The first two started coming in the week before Mother's Day and the other four followed a lot faster than I thought they would. It's caused some crankiness, so I'm hoping that we get a break for a bit.
In the past couple of weeks, Soren has become an independent sitter. He would prefer to become an independent walker, but thank goodness he's not quite there yet. He's rolling over front-to-back and back-to-front, although it's still mostly the former. Soren has discovered that his toes will fit in his mouth when he's not saying, "Da da da da da!" We've only heard "ma ma ma ma" once, but I have gotten a real kiss.
And, we must also report that it didn't take him long to get ornery. Soren has learned to stop his swing by grabbing one of the poles and if you've told him no, sometimes he'll watch to see if you're looking before he grabs for it again.
Soren likes to play peek-a-boo, look in the mirror (He is a Stapp!) and crinkle newspaper and paper bags. He also likes flying around the house with Daddy and laughing at Mama's dancing.
September Photo Dump
2 months ago
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