Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mid-Missouri traveling

Soren and I hit the road after his Tuesday photo shoot. Our first stop was the Mud Room, so he could make his mama her first-ever Mother's Day gift. It was not NEARLY as momentous for him - he slept through it. Yes, those are hand and thumbprints! Then, we celebrated Aunt L's birthday at Lone Star.

Later, we headed to the Methodist church to watch the Bunraku Bay group perform. Soren was the most interested in the first section, Kotobuki Shiki Sanbaso, which is where the puppets scatter good fortune on the audience and purify the theatre. There were lots of bells and the puppeteers came out into the audience. They avoided Soren for the most part. I assume it's because they have had unhappy prior experiences with young people crying. However, during the Lion Dance, the troupe leader shared that it was good luck for the lion to bite children on the head and proceeded to snap the puppet at Soren. He took it like a champ, and this mama was very relieved! Our friend, and puppeteer, Eric posed the lion with Soren so we could get a photo.
We spent the night at Hotel Shafer. Our friends Sara and Eric (a different one) let us take over their house with baby paraphernalia and braved possible teething fits even though the both had to work the next day(s).
On Wednesday we visted the Merritts in the morning, ate lunch with the Maurers, and spent the afternoon with Jane. We ate dinner with Sara and her friend at Shakespeare's. On Thursday, Soren and I ate breakfast with Sara before we headed south. In Holts Summit, we visited with Mr. Aiden and his mama and sister.We stopped by Rural Missouri to say hi to his daddy before meeting Jena for lunch. Whew! Time to get ready for the FFA banquet!

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