For those fans who were missing Flat Jason and were happy to see him in the short post about the Meneely Reunion, I have some exciting news. Flat Jason is now in a dissertation!
Recently alerted by my Google Alerts, I found that Rebecca A. Adelman included my flat husband and his activities in her discussion, "The Shadow Rules of Engagement: Visual Practices, Citizen-Subjectivity, and America's Global War on Terror." While I haven't read all of Ms. Adelman's work, the chapter including Flat Jason does bring up some interesting points. Mentioning of Flat Jason and the blog begin on page 141:
"The blog 'A Year Together...Apart,' maintained by a FlatDaddy wife named Amanda Stapp, is a public exploration of the vexed dynamics of life with a Flat."
She goes on to say, "Although similar content appears in still photos on the SFC website and sites like YouTube host a handful of comparable videos, 'A Year Together...Apart' is by far the most detailed chronicle of life with a Flat, and is unique because there are no children to excuse Amanda's imaginative play."
"It is hard to tell if she is just being playful; or if she is expressing the moderate craziness of long-distance lovesickness more candidly than others might; or if she is really not...okay."
Eventually she admits that, a compulsive blog reader, she dismissed the idea of my craziness. Interesting to hear an outsider's perspective...
September Photo Dump
2 months ago
You weren't previously aware you might be crazy?
Also, I note that you've penciled down a possible Hermann trip on the 17th. Do it and report please. We never got around to this and (at least I) regret it.
Dear Amanda,
I was just looking at your blog again, and I noticed that you had a post about my dissertation ... I have really appreciated your chronicle about life with Flat Jason and the many ways people use and connect with their 'Flats,' and provided a broader, and richer view than many of the other representations I've seen. If you'd like to talk more, you can e-mail me at
All the best,
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