Soren is 17 pounds 7 ounces (90th percentile) and 26.5 inches (90th-95th percentile). Upon hearing how much we were feeding him, she said we could probably back off some supplements because he's at the top of his charts. She also said that we could start feeding him some rice cereal!
Soren is still working at tummy time. Sometimes he can get his rear in gear, but his top half is still stuck. We'll keep you posted. In other news, he's become much more accomplished with his hands. Starting Week 14 or Week 15, he really started grabbing his ball and rattle and shaking them around. He likes putting things in his mouth, mostly his hands, but also Sophie the giraffe and his sleeve and/or blanket.
He likes for Daddy to play Peek-A-Boo and Tug-of-War with him using whatever fabric is handy. He laughs when he "crashes" into Daddy, when Daddy pretends to "get him," or when Mama dances and sings Mancini's Pink Panther theme. He also likes for Mama to sing to him before he goes to bed, usually "It Might as Well Be Spring" from Rodgers and Hammerstein's State Fair.
September Photo Dump
2 months ago
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