Unofficially, Soren is 15.5 pounds and 25 inches, according to our ability to measure such things. He's 4 inches away from the limit on the car seat, and he may move into the new car seat sooner than that if he continues growing at this rate. I am finding it more difficult to haul the boy AND the carrier around, but I am enjoying the workout. Our big guy is wearing clothing labeled for 6-month-olds and 9-month-olds now, depending on the brand.
We've been reading books we've received as gifts and are thankful we haven't tired of them yet. I have procured a library card to the Oak Grove library and the Kansas City Public Library to prepare for that day. Soren is paying more attention to the pictures when he wants to and sometimes adds in his own version of the story.
Soren is actively trying to roll during tummy time. I'm not sure how quickly this will advance, but I'm hoping to be able to report that he can roll from his tummy to his back by next month. We'll see...
We are also working on developing a loose schedule that works for our family. It is helping Soren get used to more regular naptimes so he can be well-rested, and it is helping Mama and Daddy by giving us time we can count on to get housework and other errands accomplished. The house is finally getting back to normal!
September Photo Dump
2 months ago
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