I've been scoping out local crochet groups for some time, trying to work up the nerve to go to a meeting. I finally decided I would brave a Project Linus meeting on National Make a Blanket Day to see what it was like. I crocheted a blanket with some leftovers from Frances' afghan, loaded Soren in the car, and we were off.
I was terribly nervous. I wanted to stay for a length of time to meet people and get a good start on my project, but I wasn't sure that Soren could handle not being entertained by his swing and mat or unending shelves of shiny new merchandise.
Boy, was I wrong!
Soren couldn't
get enough attention from the ladies, who were so very welcoming. They made sure to learn his name and get him in plenty of photos, including a big group photo. He behaved so well they were sure I must have him around people
all of the time. There was no trace of the angry little monster that sometimes appears when he doesn't get his way, although I'm sure if I tired of watching him there would be no end of volunteers who would take a turn. He was quite entertaining with his faces and cooing. He laid on a blanket or sat in his car seat and held my yarn almost the entire time we were there.

We turned in the blanket I had made and started on another whose progress had to be frogged when we got home. It was a lovely day. We will definitely be working with the
KC Project Linus group in the future.