Our fun in Forest Park began when everyone met for an afternoon at the zoo. Even though it was a little warm, the tigers were out playing and wrestling with each other. They had quite a crowd watching them.

We also saw a couple of peacocks roaming around. They didn't display their plumage; they just kept moving. They were too fast to chase, so we gave up on that.

Probably one of the most entertaining exhibits was the prairie dog town. The little guys are adorable, active and SO CLOSE. You can lean over and almost pet them. We watched them eat and dig out a tunnel before heading over to the penguins and puffins.

Jason and I (and sometimes AJ) looked for geocaches hidden in the zoo while we walked around. We found one near the elephants. Another one was near the penguins and puffins.

Talk about a stinky exhibit! We took photos of the group while we were waiting in line to enter. I found one more geocache on the outside of the zoo for a total of three found.

After the zoo, we headed farther into Forest Park to get a good seat for the show. As you can see, no worries, we were there plenty early. We spent the pre-show feasting on fruit, cheese, bread and wine. (I almost felt like I was back in France!)

Yorick the Jester who came around to meet
Flat Jason last year was back, but he was dressed like a lady named Alice Shortcake or something similar. He balanced our wine bottle on his chin and juggled it with some chips and Tracy's shoe. This year, he was also in the play, which, as always, was very good.